Suchergebnis (338)

Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) - Validity and Practicability of the German Version

Eva Stoll, Hanna Heinzen, Denis Köhler and Christian Huchzermeier

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
ISBN: 978-3-86676-160-5
Preis: 19,80 EUR
142 Seiten

The Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) is a new personality based instrument created by Cooke et al. (2004) to assess psychopathic personality symptoms in adolescent and adult populations. The current version of the CAPP is the CAPP-Institutional Rating Scale (CAPP-IRS). It was developed to assess psychopathic personality symptomatology in secure treatment facilities such as prisons, civil psychiatric facilities, and forensic psychiatric hospitals over discrete time periods. The rating of the symptoms that are described in the CAPP-IRS is based on the semi-structured CAPP-IRS interview, a file review and collateral information. The 33 symptoms are grouped into six broad domains of personality. For each of the 33 symptoms, a number of trait descriptive adjectives are given. Each of the adjectives are further specified by a definition of behavioural indicators relevant to institutional adjustment. The developers (Cook et al., 2004) claim that the CAPP has several advantages as compared to other measures of psychopathic personality. These are mainly thought to refer to the focus on personality pathology rather than on specific behavioural acts such as criminal behaviour, the comprehensiveness of the instrument and the dynamic concept. Due to the latter advantage, the instrument might be useful not only for the assessment of the lifetime severity of psychopathic personality symptoms but also for the assessment of the severity of symptoms over discrete time periods. The CAPP has already received international interest with several translations underway. Among others, there is a preliminary German translation of the CAPP-IRS (Köhler & Heinzen, 2009). The present study examined the reliability, validity, and practicability of the German version of the CAPP-IRS in a small sample of German adult male forensic psychiatric patients and adult male prisoners of a high security state prison. A correlational research design was used, based on a muliti-trait-multi-method analysis. The study included the evaluation of the relationship of the CAPP-IRS to a measure of psychopathy (PCL:SV), risk for future violence (HCR-20), trait anxiety (STAI-T) and normal range personality dimensions (NEO-FFI), and to measures of Cluster B personality disorders (SCID-II). The promising results of the study are discussed in light of the construct validity of psychopathy. Furthermore, initial experiences in the application of the German Version of the CAPP-IRS in institutional settings (forensic psychiatry and prison) are discussed critically. Implications for future research are provided. „We are delighted to see the progress that scholars in Germany are making with the Germany translation of the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP). Their work makes a significant contribution to the growing international evidence for the validity and utility of the CAPP; we look forward to more exciting findings.“ Professor Dr. David J Cooke and Dr. Carolin Logan (Developers of the CAPP)

Content I. Introduction II. Theoretical and Empirical Background 1. General Introduction to Psychopathic Personality 1.1 History of the psychopathic personality construct 1.2 Psychopathic personality versus antisocial personality disorder 1.3 Assessment of psychopathic personality 1.4 Prevalence of psychopathic personality 1.5 Models of psychopathic personality 1.6 Subtypes of psychopathic personality 1.7 The stability of psychopathic features 1.8 Psychopathic personality and external correlates 2 The Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) 2.1 Introduction 2.2 History 2.3 Development 2.4 Conceptual model 2.6 Preliminary research 2.7 Rationale for the current study III. Empirical Part 3 Research Questions and Hypotheses 3.1 Internal consistency reliability 3.2 Construct validity 4 Method 4.1 Participants 4.2 Measures 4.3 Pilot study, raters, recruitment, and procedure 4.4 Statistical analysis 4.5 Possible confounding variables and methods for controlling them 5 Results 5.1 Sample description 5.2 CAPP-IRS assessment of psychopathic personality 5.3 Construct validity of the CAPP-IRS IV. Discussion 6 Discussion and Interpretation of the Results 6.1 General comments 6.2 Practicability of the CAPP-IRS 6.3 CAPP-IRS data 6.4 Reliability of the CAPP-IRS 6.5 Construct validity of the CAPP-IRS 6.6 Limitations and future directions 6.7 Conclusion 7 References 8 About the authors

Police Patrol Work in the Netherlands

W. Ph. Stol, A. Ph. van Wijk, G. Vogel, B. Foederer & L. van Heel

Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-935979-74-0
Preis: 20,00 EUR
208 Seiten

an observational study in an international perspective
This book is about police patrol work, especially emergency patrol and community
policing in The Netherlands. The authors first give an empirical based picture
of everyday policing and then examine one of the core problems of policing:
the question what determines what is involved in police patrol work.
Although the fieldwork is carried out in The Netherlands, this study also
is of importance for policing in other countries. By looking across borders,
we do not only learn about policing in a foreign country but we also learn
what are the distinctive characteristics of policing in our home country.
Furthermore, the authors explicitly place their findings in an international
context by comparing their observations with research that has been carried
out in Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Canada and the United States. Based
on their findings the authors provide the reader with an empirical grounded
explanation model that can be used by police chiefs to better understand what
is effective in police management as well as by social scientists to design
future research.

Inhalt: Foreword Summary 1. Introduction 1.1 The importance of what police officers do 1.2 Relevance of information about police patrol work 1.3 Positioning of present-day patrol work: a short history 1.4 The implementation of the organizational concept ‘community policing’ 1.5 A parallel development: the formation of regions 1.6 Research questions and structure of this study 2. A description of the cities involved and the methods of research 2.1 A brief sketch of the four cities 2.2 Official police strength in the four cities 2.3 Official organisation of the basic police work in the four cities 2.4 A look at police patrol work 2.5 Study method, implementation and data 3. Emergency Patrol 3.1 What is involved in police patrol work 3.2 Initiative to take action 3.3 Knowledge of the people in the neighbourhood 3.4 The outcome of incidents 3.5 Emergency patrol … more than incidents? 4. Community Policing 4.1 What is involved in community policing patrol work 4.2 Initiative to take action 4.3 Knowing the people in the neighbourhood 4.4 The outcome of incidents: community beat officers and repressive action 4.5 Community policing … a structural approach to problems? 5. Emergency patrol and community policing in context 5.1 Intrinsic differences and similarities 5.2 Cooperation 5.3 Community beat officers and autonomy 5.4 Conclusions about emergency patrol and community policing in 2001 6. Changes since the nineties 6.1 Introduction: the available material 6.2 Changes in emergency patrol work: observations 6.3 Officers about the changes since 1991 6.4 Conclusion 7. Patrol work: main features, explanations – management 7.1 Introduction 7.2 International patterns in patrol work 7.3 What determines what police officers do 7.4 A conceptual model for police patrol work 7.5 Discussion: implications for management and controlling the police Bibliography Appendix

State Security and Secret Policing in North Korea An Interdisciplinary Study on State Criminality and Formal Social Control

Charles A. von Denkowski

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
ISBN: 978-3-86676-592-4
Preis: 49,80 EUR
575 Seiten

Schriftenreihe Polizieren: Polizei, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, Band 11

Der Verfasser legt mit diesem Band eine in englischer Sprache verfasste polizeiwissenschaftlich-kriminologische Untersuchung des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MSS) der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea (DVRK) vor. Den Band leitet eine deutschsprachige Zusammenfassung der von 2012 bis Ende 2016 zumeist in Südkorea durchgeführten Untersuchung ein. Ihr empirisches Fundament bilden mit Hilfe von Sprachmittlern aufgezeichnete Befragungen geflüchteter Mitarbeiter des MSS, der Polizei, anderer Sicherheitsbehörden der DVRK sowie ihrer Opfer. Im Einzelnen behandelt der Band folgende Themen: die Arten des Polizierens des MSS, dessen Polizeikultur, die Anwendung des Strafprozessrechts sowie die damit verknüpfte Genese von Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit und anderer Staatskriminalität, Nachrichtenbeschaffung und das Führen von Informanten sowie mit anderen Sicherheitsbehörden in China durchgeführte Aufklärungs- und Festnahmeoperationen. Außerdem werden die Viktimisierung von in politischen Straflagern Inhaftierten, von aus China repatriierten schwangeren Nordkoreanerinnen und anderen vulnerablen Gruppen untersucht. Der Band belegt das empirische Potential der Polizeiwissenschaft, Zusammenhänge zwischen Menschheitsverbrechen und der von Sicherheitsbehörden produzierten formellen sozialen Kontrolle deutend zu verstehen.



I. Problem Statement
II. Justification of the Research Project
III. Research Topic and Objectives
IV. Literature Review
V. Organization of the Study

Chapter A: Definitions, Theoretical Framework and Research Questions

I. Definitions
II. Theoretical Framework
III. Research Questions

Chapter B: Methodology

I. Research Design
II. Research
III. Challenges and Limitations of the Study

Chapter C: Formal Social Control in North Korea and the Policing of the SSD

I. The State Security Apparatus and the Role of the SSD
II. The SSD within the State Security Apparatus
III. Understanding the Development of the State Security Apparatus
IV. Empirical Analysis: Understanding the Policing and the Police Culture of the SSD
V. Comparative Analysis: The MSS and Other Secret Polices

Chapter D: State Crime by the Secret State Security Policing of the MSS

I. The North Korean Leadership’s Striving for Autonomy: One General Driver for State Crimes by the Policing of the MSS
II. The MSS’ Policing of Political Prisoners in its Political Prison Camps
III. State Crime by Policing Christians and other Religious Groups .
IV. State Crime by Policing Media Employees, Writers and Artists
V. State Crime by Policing North Korean Overseas Workers
VI. The MSS’ Aiding and Abetting to Human Experiments for the Development of Biological and Chemical Weapons
VII. State Crime by Policing the Pureness of the North Korean Race

Chapter E: Conclusion

I. The State Security Policing of the MSS
II. The Police Culture of the MSS
III. The MSS’ State Security Policing and State Crimes
IV. Epilogue: State Crime Research and Research of State Security Policing as a Challenge to Ongoing State Crimes against Humanity


Antifactism Proxy Wars on the Freedom of Expression

Trygve Ben Holland & Sarah Holland

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
ISBN: 978-3-86676-684-6
Preis: 22,90 EUR
120 Seiten

With an ever closer look at movements organised by interest groups with unclear aims and non-transparent agendas, the democracies’ acceptance of deviating (and not necessarily fact-based) world views is challenged. Extra-parliamentary oppositions are democratically not legitimised but claim to speak on behalf of “the people” for the purpose of “revealing the truth”. Consequently, there is serious mal-advocacy in the name of the people. By making use of disinformation, propaganda, lies (fake news), and violence, these nevertheless civic movements are capitalising on the freedom of expression guaranteed by Human and Fundamental Rights.
Against the background of numerous researches published in the recent years, present book is presenting a use-case (“The Galactic Federation of the Light”) to illustrate the threats to free and open societies deriving from such movements. The authors argue in the light of Human and Fundamental Rights that the freedom of expression as such is well-fortified to stand in against conspiracies and anti-democratic ideas.


An Intro to Duction

1 The Cons’ Piracy
1.1 For Starters
1.2 Elements
1.2.1 Denialism
1.2.2 Secret Societies
1.2.3 Imperium in Imperio
1.2.4 Flat Earthers
1.2.5 Hollow Earth
1.2.6 New World Order
1.2.7 Spectres
1.3 tin© and the Common Sense
1.4 Fakes News as a derivative Instrument
1.5 Conspiracy Theory, Ideology?
1.6 Whom it May Concern

2 Rule of Democracy
2.1 Fact and F(r)iction
2.2 A Universal Human and Fundamental Right
2.2.1 United Nations
2.2.2 European Convention on Human Rights
2.2.3 Freedom of Expression in the European Union
2.2.4 Freedom of Expression in Germany
2.3 Opinio, Ratio, and Imaginatio

3 Errorist Attack!
3.1 Issues
3.1.1 Negativity
3.1.2 Aggression
3.1.3 Escaping Inwards
3.1.4 Brave New Neurosis, charged
3.1.5 Education
3.1.6 Inability
3.2 A Theory about Theory

4 Straight into the Light
4.1 Preliminary Remarks
4.2 Zooming-in
4.3 Background Checks
4.4 The Constitution
4.4.1 Annotations
4.4.2 Disenchanted
4.5 An Absolute Theory about Absolutely Nothing?

5 Policy and Policing
5.1 Related Crimes
5.2 Antifactic Conspiracy
5.3 Absolute Limitations

Sum (R) , Other (S)



Anthropological atlas of female facial features

Sabine Ohlrogge, Tanja Arent, Wolfgang Huckenbeck, Peter Gabriel & Stefanie Ritz-Timme

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009
ISBN: 978-3-86676-072-1
Preis: 19,80 EUR
62 Seiten

The atlas of facial features of European females was compiled following the atlas “name”, which is already well-established in the forensic practice. It was composed within the scope of the EU-funded project „Optimisation of Methods for Identification of Persons from Photographs (photoidentification): A Contribution to Combat and Prevention of Crime in Europe”. Along with its predecessor this atlas should promote standardization in the procedure of photoidentification.
For the manual photoidentification of a person, a suitable photograph of the suspect must be available. The next step of the analysis is the examination of the number and quality of recognizable facial features in the images from the surveillance camera (reference photographs). The suspect’s features are then compared with the reference photographs. For the final interpretation, the knowledge of the frequencies of individual facial characteristics in a respective population is of crucial importance. The presence of rare features allows for more significant statements of similarity.
Photoidentification of females is rarely required compared to males. However cases involving females occur regularly in the forensic practise. Needless to say (Naturally, Obviously) features and variations of the male faces cannot be directly applied in such cases. Therefore, a separate atlas for facial features of females has been composed.   
This atlas provides a basis for a standardized recording of the presented facial traits and their variations and also for further acquisition of data to establish frequencies of these features for females.

Inhalt: 1    Introduction 2    Summary of features 3    Features 4    Rating sheet 5    Literature

Intelligence-Service Psychology

Sven Max Litzcke - Helmut Müller-Enbergs - Dietrich Ungerer (Eds.)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-86676-031-8
Preis: 24,90 EUR
118 Seiten

Reihe "Studies in Intelligence Collection and Intelligence Analysis", Volume 1
This book deals with »Intelligence-Service
Psychology«; a recent develop-ment in the field that arose from the
specific conditions of intelligence work and the demands it made on the science
of psychology.
Intelligence Services acquire and analyse information in order to create a
basis from which Governments can make decisions. Intelligence services achieve
their goals through human resources, technical proficiency and, to a large
degree, by accessing information which is not actually classified.
Considering the complexity and dynamics of the work of intelligence services,
this volume cannot currently offer a comprehensive or systematic presentation
of »Intelligence-Service Psychology«. It wishes to shed some light
on some selective aspects, and to examine some relevant topics as an example
of this field of study.

Inhalt: 1 Editor’s Preface Sven Max Litzcke – Helmut Müller-Enbergs – Dietrich Ungerer 2 Considerations on a Systematic Approach to Intelligence Work Manfred Mimler 3 The Hour Zero of the Official Information – Training in the German Democratic Republic from a Dissonance-theoretical Point of View Helmut Müller-Enbergs 4 Motivation for Intelligence-Service Work – the German Democratic Republic State-Security Helmut Müller-Enbergs 5 Intelligence Information Gathering and Information Evaluation Dietrich Ungerer 6 Stress in Communication – Gaining Knowledge through the Control of Language Dietrich Ungerer 7 Illegal Migration between Psychology and Intelligence Agencies Thomas Zimmermann 8 Nonverbal Alert Signals – the Diagnosis and Attribution of People’s Credibility Sven Max Litzcke – Max Hermanutz – Astrid Klossek 9 Authors

Applied and Operational Psychology for Military Police in the German Armed Forces Bundeswehr

R-J. Gorzka, P.Y. Herzberg, C. Lorei & N. Hanssen (Hrsg.)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
ISBN: 978-3-86676-741-6
Preis: 19,80 EUR
117 Seiten

Combined with professional skills and abilities, resilience – the ability to withstand psychological adversity – plays a key role for successfully executing police tasks. The importance of resilience is largely amplified by demographic change, as well as by other influencing factors, such as the demand for highly specialised qualifications, and increasing digitalisation.

Against this backdrop, an assignment-specific concept for resilience was developed and subsequently evaluated in Military Police training. This handbook was written to supplement the training, to elaborate on the training subjects, and to serve as a comprehensive resource on resilience.

Apart from applied military and operational psychology, this book also includes insights gained from year-long and fruitful cooperation with police of German Federal states, with the Federal Republic of Germany, and with the German Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Office). Therefore, this handbook provides an overview of relevant issues, which can be applied in the training of specialised forces of both military and civil police: 

• The Bundeswehr Military Police 
• Applied military psychology and operational psychology 
• Resilience in special assignments 
• Psychotraumatology 
• Stress management 
• Cybercrime 
• Sexual offences 
• Psychology of firearm use 
• Psychology of close combat

Each of the relevant topics will be presented by chapter with particular emphasis on resilience. The latter and its relevance in training constitute the golden thread of this handbook, as they are considered crucial factors to success. For each topic, there is a brief presentation of essential characteristics and implications for the scope of the Bundeswehr Military Police. Assignment-specific information is complemented with instructions for independent study, which are both practical and specific to training. Overall, this is an indispensable resource for soldiers of all rank categories deployed in the scope of the Bundeswehr Military Police.



Part 1 Introduction
1 | The Bundeswehr Military Police
2 | Applied Military and Operational Psychology

Part 2 Chapters on Applied Military Psychology
3 | Resilience on Specialist Assignments
4 | Psychotraumatology
5 | Stress Management

Part 3 Chapters on Operational Psychology
6 | Cybercrime
7 | Sexual Offences
8 | Psychology of the Use of Firearms
9 | Psychology of Close Combat

Steigerung von Partizipation und Empowerment bei straffälligen Jugendlichen und ihren Familien durch Family-group-conferencing

Katharina Artemis Schmidt

Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
ISBN: 978-3-86676-117-9
Preis: 9,80 EUR
64 Seiten

Schriftenreihe des Instituts für angewandte Rechts- und Sozialforschung der Ostfalia, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbütte, Band 5

In dem hier vorliegenden fünften Band der Hochschulreihe setzt sich Katharina Artemis Schmidt mit dem Thema „Steigerung von Partizipation und Empowerment bei straffälligen Jugendlichen und ihren Familien durch Family-group-conferencing“ auseinander. Die Autorin geht davon aus, dass abweichendes Verhalten Jugendlicher neben anderen möglichen Ursachen vordringlich in das System der Ursprungsfamilie weist, die mit Abstand immer noch die bedeutendste Sozialisationsinstanz im Leben von Kindern und Jugendlichen darstellt. Inkonsistente Bindungsstrukturen und mangelnde Sozialkompetenzen sind dabei nur einige der Risikofaktoren, die straffällig gewordene Jugendliche gehäuft aufweisen.

Um diesem Problem neue Antworten entgegenzusetzen, stellt die Autorin die Methode der Family-group-conference als ein Modell der Restorative Justice vor. Es handelt sich dabei um ein für uns neues Verfahren, mit dessen Hilfe bei innerfamiliären Problemlagen, wie eben auch Straffälligkeit, auf die Jugendlichen, aber auch auf die Eltern und das Familiensystem eingegangen werden kann. Die Methode der Family-group-conference, die ursprünglich von den Maoris aus Neuseeland bei Problemen innerhalb der Familie angewandt wurde, ist inzwischen ein international anerkanntes Verfahren, das auch im europäischen Raum Anwendung findet und in kleinen Schritten auch in der BRD zunehmend etabliert wird.

Gerade die Soziale Arbeit ist immer wieder um neue Wege der Reaktionsmöglichkeiten auf abweichendes Verhalten Jugendlicher bemüht. Welche Chancen und Möglichkeiten die Fami-ly-group-conference dabei bietet, um die Eigenverantwortung der Jugendlichen und ihrer Familien zu stärken und ihre Ressourcen zu aktivieren sowie ihre Beteiligung an der Lösung von Problemen einzufordern, wird mit der vorliegenden Arbeit diskutiert und als echte Alternative empfohlen.

Inhalt: 1  Einleitung 2  Abweichendes Verhalten als familiäres Problem 2.1  Definition abweichendes Verhalten, Straffälligkeit und Devianz 2.2  Straffälligkeit als sozialer Konflikt 2.3  Netzwerke straffälliger Jugendliche 3  Family-Group-Conference 3.1  Entstehung als Methode der Restorative Justice 3.2  Ablauf: Teilnehmer und Phasen 4  Auswirkungen der Family-Group-Conference 4.1  Steigerung von Partizipation bei straffälligen Jugendlichen und ihren Familien 4.2  Steigerung von Empowerment bei straffälligen Jugendlichen 4.3  Einbeziehung des Netzwerkes 5  Implementierung der Family-Group-Conference in die Soziale Arbeit 5.1  Stand der Entwicklung und Perspektiven 5.2  Anwendungsmöglichkeiten 6  Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 7  Literaturverzeichnis

Europas neue Grenzen Polizeiliche Herausforderungen im Zeitalter der neuen europäischen Sicherheitsarchitektur

Robin Hofmann (Hrsg.)

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
ISBN: 978-3-86676-389-0
Preis: 22,80 EUR
188 Seiten

Die fortschreitende europäische Integration hat auch das Thema europäische Sicherheit verstärkt in den Fokus von Politik und Wissenschaft gerückt. Die europäische Polizei sieht sich dabei mit einer Reihe neuer Herausforderungen konfrontiert, deren Bewältigung neue Strategien erfordert. Polizeiliche Aufgaben sind vielseitiger und komplexer geworden. Neben der Bekämpfung grenzüberschreitender Kriminalität sind die europäische Grenzsicherung und polizeiliche Auslandseinsätze im Rahmen von internationalen Friedensmissionen heute fester Bestandteil eines polizeilichen Anforderungsprofils. Die Beiträge in diesem Band geben aktuelle überlegungen zu Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen der neuen europäischen Sicherheitsarchitektur wider. Im ersten Teil des Bandes wird von den Autoren polizeiliches Grenzmanagement und Terrorismusbekämpfung thematisiert. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit neuen Herausforderungen an eine europäische Polizei, etwa im Rahmen von Auslandseinsätzen und Ausbildungsangelegenheiten. Im Letzten Teil wird sodann ein Schlaglicht auf die zivilgesellschaftliche Dimension von Polizeiarbeit in Zeiten der neuen europäischen Sicherheitsarchitektur geworfen.

Inhalt: Teil 1: Neue Grenzen in Europa Wiechmann, Martin Europäische Grenzsicherung und Etikettierungsansatz – Entsteht illegale Migration durch Gesetzgebung? Weitkunat, Gerhardt Grenzpolizei mit globalisiertem Lagebild – Ursächliche Strategien gegen irreguläre Migration Dienstbühl, Dorothe Europäische Bekämpfungsstrategien gegen Terrorismusfinanzierung und Organisierte Kriminalität auf dem Prüfstand Teil 2: Neue Entgrenzung von Polizeiaufgaben Weber, Aleta Polizeiaufbau in der Islamischen Republik Afghanistan: Welchen Herausforderungen müssen sich externe Akteure beim Export exekutiver Strukturen stellen? Tiefenbach, Bernd Policing Cross Border Crime in Europe – A comparative study on Transnational Policing and Inter-EU Law enforcement corporation Ruhland, Bernhard Entwicklungslinien und Zukunftsperspektiven der mitteleuropäischen Polizeiakademie MEPA Teil 3: Neue polizeiliche und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen Feltes, Thomas Community Policing – ein Modell für Länder im oder nach einem gesellschaftlichen Umbruch? Feltes, Tilmann Jugend und Sicherheit in Countries in Transition. Das Beispiel Kosovo  

Methodological Guidelines for Best Practice in Forensic Semiautomatic and Automatic Speaker Recognition

Andrzej Drygajlo, Michael Jessen, Stefan Gfroerer, Isolde Wagner, Jos Vermeulen and Tuija Niemi

Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
ISBN: 978-3-86676-442-2
Preis: 16,80 EUR
90 Seiten

This publication is the result of the European project “Methodological guidelines for semiautomatic and automatic speaker recognition for case assessment and interpretation”, chaired by Andrzej Drygajlo. It consists of two parts. Part 1 contains Methodological Guidelines for Best Practice in Forensic Semiautomatic and Automatic Speaker Recognition and Part 2 contains Guidance on the Conduct of Proficiency Testing and Collaborative Exercises for Forensic Semiautomatic and Automatic Speaker Recognition. This project has been conducted in the framework of the ENFSI Monopoly Programme 2011 "Improving Forensic Methodologies across Europe (IFMAE)" within the context of the ENFSI Forensic Speech and Audio Analysis Working Group (FSAAWG).

Inhalt: Part 1: Methodological Guidelines for Best Practice in Forensic Semiautomatic and Automatic Speaker Recognition 1 Aims 2 Scope 3 Methodology of FASR and FSASR 4 Method Validation 5 Case Assessment 6 Evaluation and Interpretation 7 Case File and Reporting 8 Quality Assurance Part 2: Guidance on the Conduct of Proficiency Testing and Collaborative Exercises for Forensic Semiautomatic and Automatic Speaker Recognition 1 Introduction 2 Aims 3 Principles of PTs and CEs in FASR and FSASR 4 Reference Documents 5 Definitions 6 Responsibilities and Roles 7 Trial Organisation 8 Trial Preparation 9 Preparation of Test Materials 10 Participants’ Results 11 Assessment of Performance 12 Feedback to Participants 13 Examples